Buttercup Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  brings strong sense of self worth     Indications:  feeling insignificant       Click View for detailed information

SKU: FEBUTC Category:


Buttercup  (Ramunculacea bolbosus)

Balancing Qualities:
Bringing a strong sense of self and feelings of self worth. Claiming one’s unique gifts, knowing one’s place and affirming one’s contributions in the world. Restoring one’s innocence, trusting in essential goodness and opening to love, joy and fun. Finding service to others is in simple acts of kindness which brings pleasure.

Feeling insignificant and unimportant. May have been squelched as a child or in a significant relationship. Feeling disappointed and unable to be spontaneous or proactive. Feeling low self worth, lack of confidence, unimportant and unworthy.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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