Cerato Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


From the Flower Essence Society    Balancing Qualities:   trust inner knowing       Indications:  lacking faith in one’s judgment    Click View for detailed information


SKU: FECERA Category:


Cerato  (Ceratostigma willmottiana)   

Balancing Qualities: 
This essence helps people trust their inner knowing where all answers are available to them. They can then trust  that what they believe is indeed correct for them. It imbues confidence in themselves to make their own decisions. It re-connects people to their own inner wisdo

For those who lack faith in their own judgment, thus are indecisive. They may make a decision and then doubt the correctness of the decision, differing to others, “authorities” They neither lack intelligence nor insight, however they are missing self trust. This is a symptom of today’s world where we are brainwashed to believe that the “experts”, not ourselves, know what is “right”. They gather data, but rarely assimilate it. They fear making a mistake. These folks rely on convention, and popular beliefs and constantly seek advice from others, ignoring their own inner promptings. They are often misguided and end up doing something that is against what they know in their hearts is not right.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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