Valarian Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  stabilizes anxiety, brings higher perspective, deeper understanding and inner peace.      Indications:  nervous agitation and worry, feeling lost from childhood.  Click View for detailed informaiton

SKU: FEVAL Categories: ,


Valerian  (Valeriana officinalis

Balancing Qualities: 
This essence is able to stabilize one’s anxiety and bring one to deep inner peace, even when there is outer turmoil. It helps to bring traumatic aspects of life previously held in the subconscious about the past to current consciousness and understanding. This allows an opening to a higher perspective and an understanding of how the specific events can actually have been a benefit. It fills one with a deep remembering of the past, bringing in this higher perspective which relieves stress naturally.  It opens the mental body, expanding its reality and allowing connections that are more in sync with one’s innate nature. The soul senses a deep connection with the past which reduces its anxiety about the future. This allows an opening to a more joyous experience of life.

For those who have anxiety about the future and may exhibit shallow breathing as a result. These people often show nervous agitation, worry and uneasiness when facing coming challenging events. Feeling lost, alone and helpless are often symptoms plaguing the person. They may have been deprived of love as a child and appear as a lost child as an adult, having never felt fulfilled. There are usually buried negative emotions as anger and confusion about one’s present life, often hidden.

Additional information

Weight 0.20 lbs


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