Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera)
Balancing Qualities:
Helps to release fear of losing control physically, emotionally or mentally from life’s pressures. Also helps one surrender to and trust in a higher power, even in extreme stress. This essence is in Dr. Bach’s famous Rescue Remedy and Herbal Energetics SOS Rescue.
Fear of losing control, of acting irrational, of doing something wrong to self or others. Fear of going crazy. Feeling frantic, with loss of control or fear of loss of control. Mind is overstrained, and there is extreme inner tension with an explosion of anxiety in the body. Physical turmoil ensues, feeling like one is going crazy. May indicate a life where one has little or no control, so feels trapped, suffocated and/or desperate. May experience tachycardia, difficulty breathing, racing heart. No conscious awareness of the cause.
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