Daffodil Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  self acceptance, enhancing sunny nature     Indications:  self condemnation, depression          Click View for detailed description

SKU: FEDA Category:


Daffodil  (Narcisus pseudonarciss)   

Balancing Qualities:
Fosters self-acceptance, self-love, optimism, and brightnessValidates authenticity and free self expression, easing and uplifting social interactions. Enhances one’s natural sunny nature. Helps balance negative emotions, banishing darker thoughts and dispelling negativity, especially about self. Expands perception, and opens the crown chakra to higher level thinking, bringing a more expanded appreciation of beauty and purit

Self doubt, shame, self-criticism, frustration and depression. Feeling restricted by one’s insecurities. Focusing on negative aspects of self and life, holding onto frustration, self-condemnation and low self esteem.




Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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