Purple/Indigo Lupine 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  encourages release of resistance, sooths the mind, helping one trust one’s intuition    Indications: Blocked from higher dimensional knowing   Click View for detailed information 

SKU: FEPL Category:


Purple/ Indigo Lupine   (Lupinus sp.)   

Balance Qualities:
Being a master of alignment, it works on the brain and activates one’s pineal gland,  3rd eye channel,  to receive more light. It helps to align the energy flowing through one’s vertebrae and eases physical tension, especially in the neck and shoulders. It encourages a release of resistance. It sooths the mind, helping one trust one’s intuition over intellectual reasoning, surrendering  to his/her inner truth and trusting inner vision.

Blocked from higher dimensional knowing. Physical and mental tension and resistance

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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