Pussytoes Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  opening soul purpose to service.  Indications: feeling disconnected from source and other    Click View for detailed informaton

SKU: FEPUST Category:


Pussytoes   (Antennaria nitida)  

Balancing Qualities:
This essence brings connections from the spiritual world and aids in a deeper understanding  of one’s soul purpose. It can help one be open to the mysteries of life and reveal answers to soul questions. It aids one in creating strong connections with and devotion to others as a manifestation of soul purpose. One understands that life’s mission is one of service to others and the world.  Helps change one’s perspective of anger and aids one in being able to use anger as a evolutionary tool rather than blocking one’s progress. It imbues humility and a sense of equality  It helps cutting edge people receive nourishment from both spiritual and earth resources, allowing them to “break ground” in new areas and new ideas. This opens opportunities for others to follow and develop their own new ideas.

For those who feel agitated, irritated and distracted. There is a tendency to be stubborn and judgmental. For those having difficulty creating deep or enduring connections and relationships. Feeling disconnected from Source and therefore unable to use appropriate anger as an ally to assist in transformation. Held in  anger causes stagnation. Feeling unsure or insecure about certain aspects key to life progress.




Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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