Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Balancing Qualities:
This essence helps one see time from a more wholistic perspective and thus be and feel less dictated by it. It opens one up to experiences of multidimensional awareness and awakens one to other levels of consciousness where time works more in harmony with the person. It can facilitate retention of dreams and understanding messages from the subconscious that come in dreams, meditation and intuition. It can also help access messages from one’s other lives and times. It helps one transcend limits of time and space, increasing receptivity to moving beyond physical reality in a harmonious way where time works for the person. It can also amplify the effects of other flower essences.
For those who get wrapped up in not having enough time, working under pressure, always feeling stressed. These folks are not cognizant of multidimensional awareness, thus feel caught in time crunches.
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