Trillium Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: reorganizes one’s energy field, helps one feel at home on both the Earth and spiritual
realms, upgrades with universe       Indications: Patriarchal enslavement, caught on the material plane to feel secure     Click View for detailed information


SKU: FETR Category:


Trillium    (Trillium ovatum)

Balancing Qualities:

This essence helps one experience the bounty of love, abundance and earthly pleasures, bringing with it feelings of purity and innocence.  It reorganizes one’s energy field, reconnecting one to their Soul. It facilitates drawing the soul down through the body beginning at the top of the head, activating other chakras as it descends through the heart and solar plexus and to the first chakra. It assists one in feeling at home in the physical body, connected to both the Earth and spiritual realms. It carries the signature of sacred geometry, using multiples of 3 and is in alignment with the human energy grid and torus around the body. It is encoded to upgrade with Universal shifts.


For those who have old wounds of the heart and feminine energy.  They hold shame, quilt, fear and/or patterns of patriarchal enslavement. In their insecurity there may be a stuckness or preoccupation with the material plane using external power, or material possessions to feel secure. This may be from a focus on the upper energy chakras where they don’t feel at home in the physical world or a too strong focus on the lower chakras leading to a loss of connection with the spiritual plane.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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