Wild Lettuce 1/2 oz bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: inner quietude, strength, clarity      Indications: restlessness, agitated thoughts, lack of focus    Click View for detailed information

SKU: FEWLDL Category:


Wild Lettuce  (Lactuca candensis)

Balancing Qualities:
This essence brings inner quietude, assurance and inner strength even in difficulties. It aids communication skills,  enhancing decisiveness, ability to speak one’s truth and clear expression, and increases the ability to concentrate. It also opens the way for successful undertakings and more smooth interactions with the outer world. It is helpful for children and animals

For restlessness and too much outer activity like excitability, agitated thoughts, emotional congestion, and inability to concentrate. It disturbs one’s inner peace causing lack of focus, confusion, indecisiveness,  troubled emotions, nervousness, and behaviors that otherwise might be classified as ADD and ADHD.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs


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