Star Flower Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities:  elevates one’s thinking from separation and disempowered to higher self perspective      Indications:  responds without personal power, disempowered     Click View for detailed information

SKU: FESTARF Category:


Starflower  (Trientalis latifolia) 

Balancing Qualities:
Encourages awakening to who we really are. It aids in elevating one’s thinking from separation and feeling disempowered to connecting with one’s higher self and manifesting soul purpose on this Earth plane. It also allows for acknowledging differences in others, even other species, without judgment. This elevated thinking and being helps us experience our higher dimensional star self and will go a long way toward bringing harmony to Earth.

For when one forgets that he/she is connected to the divine and thus responds to life as if one has no power. Creating reality from that perspective brings unwanted results in alignment with the often unseen negative intention. In this state one can be caught in disempowering life stories… .