Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: re-establishes a llink to the higher self, in SOS   Indications: paralyzing trauma caught in the body/mind, PSTD   Click View for detailed information

SKU: FESOB Category:


Star of Bethlehem  (Ornithogalum umbellatum)

Balancing Qualities:
Neutralizes the energetic trauma, helping to restore the body/mind. It re-establishes a link to the higher self so that trapped pieces of the trauma can dissolve. It awakens the personality to the higher self and aids in regaining energy, clarity, vitality.. Helps the nervous system adapt quickly, so that one can get on with life. . This essence is in Dr. Bach’s famous Rescue Remedy and Herbal Energetics SOS Rescue.

Feeling lost and/or empty. Feeling sad.  Trauma from shocking event(s) that the energy system is not able to cope with. Paralyzing sorrow from disappointments. (Can happen multiple times and have a build up effect.). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Causes imbalances and blockages in affected areas. Is difficult to comfort. May be held in the body/subconscious for many years before surfacing. There can be an inner numbness, a mental/spiritual half-dream. Withdraws from any subject he/she doesn’t want to feel. Tries to stop replaying  trauma in the mind. Psychosomatic conditions that resist treatment.