Wild Oat Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: finding one’s true calling      Indications: not finding what is right, drifting     Click View for detailed information



Wild Oat  (Bromus ramosus)  

Balancing Qualities:
Wild Oat helps people find their true calling, by guiding them within. As they learn to be more self reflective, they find true meaning and direction. They gain faith that once starting an activity, they will then recognize when it is time to take the next step. They can see that life is a journey that may include many options, all of which can be exciting and fulfilling and reflect their earthly calling. As they open to this new way of thinking, they relax and settle into life.

For those who drift from one thing to another not finding their work or circumstances to be satisfying or fulfilling. They can’t seem to decide what they should do or want to do and spend much time “wondering” from one activity or living space or partner to another without being able to find satisfaction. They become chronically dissatisfied, feeling discouraged, frustrated, and stuck. They know that there is something “out there” that would be right, but have no idea how to find it.