Yerba Santa Flower Essence 1/2 oz. bottle with dropper


Balancing Qualities: freely express full range of emotions, experience the world with renewed emotional presence      Indications: constricted repressed emotions, deep grief, especially in lungs and heart      Click View for detailed information 

SKU: FEYBSTA Category:


Yerba Santa   (Eriodictyon califoricum)

Balancing Qualities: 
This essence releases constricted feelings especially of grief, sadness, pain and other deeply repressed emotions, in the heart and lungs. It helps one to be able to harmonize breathing  and feelings.  This allows people to freely express the full range of emotions and experience the world with renewed emotional presence.

For those with constricted, deeply repressed feelings. They carry deep grief and melancholy in their heart and lungs and may have difficulty breathing.