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With rampant disease plaguing today’s modern world, many people are turning natural ways and prevention. Natural remedies are being embraced as healing allies again! Long ago this was the norm. Today we have focused on technical know how and scientific discoveries and have almost lost sight of the very essence of life, the Life Force in all things.

Fortunately quantum physics has opened our eyes to the fact that everything is energy, or Life Force. That Life Force is who we are, the very essence of our being. It is also found in whole foods and herbs. It is not found in laboratories and rarely in doctor’s offices. It is found in Nature and in the positive interactions we have with each other. intention tea

The following herbs are brimming with Life Force, each offering an aspect of prevention and healing for today’s conditions. They are blessings, offering their healing aspects to those open to using them. Added to Chaga and Reishi Mushrooms this tea is truly adding up to be a great world tea, for almost every condition of the modern world.

Ingredients: Organic and Wildcrafted Chaga and Reishi Mushrooms with *Orange Peel, *Cinnamon Chips, *Astragalus Root, *Cloves, Eucommia Bark, *Horsetail, *Licorice Root, and *Pau D'Arco.

the Gift from Heaven,
The King of Mushroom

Perhaps the most important ingredient in Intention Tea, Enchanted Mushroom Elixir Relatively new to the western world, Chaga, Inontus obliguus, known as cinder conk, is a parasitic fungus that grows as a black volcanic or charcoal looking mass, on birch trees. Growing in northern regions on birch trees, sometimes for as long as 30 years, it has information and wisdom of the ages contained within it. You may have actually seen it if you are out in the woods. Although it grows on other trees, it appears to have a synergistic relationship with birch. It contains betulin from the birch tree, a medically active compound being studied as a chemotherapeutic agent. In Siberia it is know as “the gift from heaven”, the King of Mushrooms, an age defying secret of shamans and healers for centuries. Our wise ones were able to tap into deep truths about the workings of Nature. They were able to engage natural healing substances in alchemical ways. This knowing, almost lost today, is reemerging, thanks to a dedicated few who have turned back to Nature and are passionately retrieving this vital information. We are fortunate to live in a time when we are reawakening to the many traditional folk uses of Chaga and other amazing natural substances. These are being confirmed by scientific research today. Paul Stamets expert in mushroom research, is one such person bringing back information and carrying out new research on the incredible value of mushrooms.
Chaga grows in many parts of the world and all over America, especially in old forests. It has a pleasant vanilla like taste. It can be taken long term, as a food and tea. Broken into chunks and simmered, it creates a pleasant tea. One that can be used several times without loosing its potency. It can even be added to coffee, creating a much healthier drink! Powdered, it can be added to smoothies, etc. as a super food. It is also in Herbal Energetic's Immune Support People Boost. Both ways are recommended. You really can’t overdose on this one. It is considered a food.

Paul Stamets says it has the greatest antioxidant power of any plant ever found! It has the highest ORAC value, almost 60,000 units! (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of anything in the natural world, making it a longevity tonic of the highest order! It therefore has unmatched potential to reduce the effects of aging as well as strongly boost immunity. Being constantly exposed to free radicals from pollution and environmental toxins, antioxidantS are of vital importance in our world. Antioxidants help reduce the workload of the immune system as well as the aging process. (This may be one and the same thing.) Chaga works to prevent cellular damage before it happens. It’s melanin compounds nourish the skin and hair as well.

Antioxidants help reduce the workload of the immune system as well as the aging process.(This may be one and the same thing.) Chaga works to prevent cellular damage before it happens. It is also one of the highest foods in B vitamins on the earth! You won’t need to take those in pill/pharmacy form. It’s melain compounds nourish the skin and hair as well. Chaga contains 215 phytonutrients, including polysaccharides and betulin and betulinic acids whch contribute to its immune properties. It has a high proportion of complex polysaccharides, (long chain sugars known as beta-glucans), 20%, fit into receptor sites on immune cells, enhancing their activity. It also has an abundance of protein, natural minerals and anti cancer triterpenes.

Considered an adoptogenic food, it is able to tonify and rebalance the whole system when taken on a regualr basis! David Wolfe, longevity expert, stated that is is the most important anti cancer herb in the world. Chaga has been used for centuries to treat cancers, turerculosis and digestive problems. Today clinical research substantiates ancient uses, adding the details that are important in today’s technological world.

Here is a list of its major properties:

~Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-candida, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-tumor.
~An immune system modulator, adjusting auto-immune or immune deficience, it rebalances the immune system.
~It was approved in Russia as a cancer drug in 1955, successfully treating stomach, lung, breast, stomach, and cervix cancers and melanoma.
~In recent studies Chaga has been found to have inhibitory effects on both influenza and HIV as well.
~Chaga stimulates the body’s natural immune functions and works to help prevent disease.
~It lowers blood sugar levels by reducing glucose uptake.
~It is heart protective.
~Takes infections out of wounds.
~Reduces fatigue.
~Improves sleep.
~Regulates the function of muscles and nerves.
~Improves mental clarity.
~Reduces the effects of stress.
~Promotes healthy skin and hair.

With no known side effects, one wonders why everyone is not using this amazing mushroom on a regular basis! Our education about natural substances for health has been preempted by society's strong focus on modern medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. It is time for us to become aware of the many natural opportunities of healing available to us. It is our right and responsibility to be proactive and take charge of our health. Health is a gift and Chaga is a superior example of how Nature is our ally. It is amazing how the very herbs and foods that we need in our compromised world are there when we really seek them, isn’t it? We can even think of it as a miracle!

Here Comes the Queen of Mushrooms!


A key ingredient in
Intention Tea,
an Enchanted Mushroom Elixir

Ganoderma lucidum, honored since before the birth of Christ, has legendary status. A rare and secret substance revered by ancient Taoists, it has even been found in ancient Buddhist temples. Said to restore life, it promotes longevity and health and increases wisdom and joy for those who take it regularly! It is known as the “Queen, (or in some places, the King) of Mushrooms” and called the “Elixir of Youth”, because it vitalizes the whole system. Reishi, treasured more than gold, embodies both earthly and heavenly energies. Being so valuable and rare, it was reserved for emperors and kings in China in ancient times.

Reishi mushroom is resurfacing in today’s western world due to a dedicated few people who have rediscovered its value. It actually grows on trees in our forests. There is increasing interest in this and other tree mushrooms and people are now beginning to grow them. Considered a supreme immune tonic and an adoptogenic food, it is called the “Immortality Mushroom” and Spirit Plant, known for its healing and life extending properties. No wonder it has so many honored titles, more than any other herb! It probably is the most important, if not one of the most important, herbs available today because of its broad spectrum and powerful healing and balancing effects. It is high in vitamin B’s and amino acids and of course is a supreme antioxidant.

Here is a list of its most known properties.

~Can be used in all immune disorders, including AIDS and Cancer
~Reduces autoimmune disorders
~Inhibits bacteria and viruses
~Alleviates: Allergies,
~Rheumatoid arthritis
~Rheumatoid arthritis
~Reduces inflammation often associated with many chronic and degenerative diseases.
~Is a Heart protector, improving circulation, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, lowering blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, improving muscle tone of the heart, generally reducing the risk of heart disease.
~Triterpenes found in Reishi work to build and strengthen the liver, treating liver diseases, including hepatitis.
~Helps remove metabolites (waste products) from the liver and the system in general (ie. lactic acid).
~Useful for stomach ulcers.
~Increases health of the skin.
~Adaptogenic properties and chi toner assists in balancing and rejuvinating the body.
~Addresses Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, preventing fatigue.
~Relaxes muscles and reduces muscle pain.
~Relieves insomnia.
~Calms the body, reducing stress, revitalizing the body at the same time, thus Increasing inner strength and stamina and maintaining energy levels.
~Improves adrenocortical functions.
~Protects all organs of the body.
~Relieves altitude sickness.
~Is grounding and uplifting.
~Has strong antioxidant properties, protecting the body against oxidative stress.
~Polysaccharides, being one of the healthiest substances we can ingest according to raw food/longevity expert, David Wolfe, are found in reishi, contributing to its overall healing benefits.

How can one substance do so much? This list of healing properties certainly is impressive. It works on a very deep level to strengthen and balance the body in every way possible.

Mushrooms are potent foods. They gradually nourish and strengthen the whole body over time. They are intended to be used long term, perhaps always. I am not going to stop taking the Intention Tea any time soon! If we can feel better and better, why not?? Choose health, I say!!

How can one substance do so much? This list of healing properties certainly is impressive. It works on a very deep level to strengthen and balance the body in every way possible.

Mushrooms are potent foods. They gradually nourish and strengthen the whole body over time. They are intended to be used long term, perhaps always. I am not going to stop taking the Intention Tea any time soon! If we can feel better and better, why not?? Choose health, I say!!

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is one of the most important herbs for boosting and modulating the immune system that I know. It works at a deep bone marrow level increasing immunity. It actually builds resistance to colds and flus and other externally contracted diseases. Not only that, but it also helps with exhaustion, poor digestion and metabolism, weakness, shortness of breath, prolapsed organs, regenerates tissue and tonifies the blood. It strengthens chronically weak lungs, reduces deficiency edema, is a cardiotonic, heals wounds and is used for UTI’s (urinary tract infections). It is an adaptogen, helping the body come into balance, and has anti-inflammatory properties as well. It is a major herb used for cancer. It protects the adrenal cortical function and protects against white blood cell drop during chemotherapy. It decreases bone marrow suppression, increases white blood count, lessens chemotherapy and radiation side effects and inhibits the spread of tumors.

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) a climbing vine native to Peru and Brazil used traditionally for many conditions. Recent studies in the western world show promising results about this important herb. It is an antioxidant, reduces inflammation, stimulates the immune system, stimulates white blood cells to fight infections, is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, and works to inhibit healthy cells from become cancerous. Encouraging research shows anti-tumor effects and use in cancer and AIDS treatments. It helps protect against heart disease by reducing bad cholesterol and blood pressure and by inhibiting formation of arterial plaque deposits and blood clots. Cat’s Claw has been shown to benefit memory as well. It improves DNA repair, balances intestinal flora, balances digestive complaints, and is used for chronic fatigue syndrome, Cronh’s disease, Candida and other parasites and fungi, irritable bowel syndrome, duodenal and gastric ulcers, bone and other pain, and various forms of arthritis.

Eucommia bark (Eulmoides) is commonly known as the hardy rubber tree. It is one of the top fifty herbs of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), du zhong. This tree, in its wild state, is now protected. All eucommia bark comes from cultivated varieties. Once harvested, the bark regrows on the trunk so the tree is not in any way harmed. The bark has an interesting property, being thin and relatively smooth, yet very strong with a cellophane like substance inside the bark. Plants often give us hints as to their use. These descriptions indicate strength, and perhaps speak to its use for bones and joints. It is best used as a tea or in a capsule rather than an extract. It is used as a tonic herb and for relieving stress. It posesses anti-hypentensive action, being a vasorelaxant. It helps regulate and lower blood pressure. Another noteworthy property is its ability to strengthen bones and joints. It also is used for low back pain, kidney problems, sexual dysfunctions and preventing miscarrages. Herbs are so interesting in their diverse actions! I am amazed every day. They truly are a blessing.

Horsetail (Equissetum arvense) also called shave grass and bottlebrush because of its strength and scrubbing uses, has served humankind since ancient times. It is one of the most ancient plants on the planet where it thrived as a huge trees 400 million years ago! With its high concentration of organic silica and other minerals it has a strong ability to strengthen bones and connective tissue, promoting bone and cartilage growth, and treating brittle nails and hair. It is useful for osteoporosis and other types or arthritis, bone and joint health as well as connective tissue health, including tendons and ligaments. It calms inflammation, especially of the genitourinary tract and helps alleviate uric acid based kidney stones. It is well known for its diuretic function. Today with the increasing concern about bone density, it is a valuable plant with the proper constituents and Life Force to strengthen bones. David Wolfe, super food expert, states that “Calcium does not build bones. It is one of the biggest misconceptions ever.” One of his top super herbs is horsetail. He suggests taking horsetail containing silica and magnesium which alchemically combine with other essential minerals in the body to strengthen bones. The Swiss herbalist, Abbe Kuenzle says, “All people from a certain age on should drink a cup of Horsetail tea every day all year round and all pain caused by rheumatism, gout and nerves would disappear and every person would have a healthy old age.”

Pau d’ arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) also called lapacho is a rain forest herb extraordinaire. Native to the Amazon rainforest and other parts of South America, it is a huge canopy tree. With a well documented history of use by indigenous people, it may even predate the Incas! It has been used in similar ways by tribes living thousands of miles apart. It was employed to make hunting bows because of its strength. It was and still is used internally for its strength and vigor as well. It has an amazing number of health benefits.In this country it is often used as an anti-parasitic and for Candida. There is a strong indication showing that cancer is related to fungal infection. This herb is perfect for both. It is anti-microbial, anti-fungal anti-viral, anti-bacterial and has highly significant anti-cancer properties, including leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease and tumors. It is used for colds and flus, urinary infections, respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal conditions. It is an anti-inflammatory, an anti-oxidant and an analgesic aiding pain relief and addressing the underlying causes. Its long list of uses includes arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes, allergies, liver problems, circulation problems and even lupus and Parkinson’s disease. It is also helpful for skin conditions like psoriasis and skin ulcers. Coming back into popularity today, this herb is extremely valuable for the conditions we face in modern society. David Wolfe, raw foods expert and researcher of the deep essence of plant life, includes this herb as one of his top super herbs. It makes a delicious tea with no know side effects.

LICORICE, (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is probably the most popular Chinese herb. Used in the majority of Chinese formulas, it enhances and harmonizes the effects of other herbs in the formula and has a delicious sweet taste. It has a soothing effect on inflamed mucus membranes from throat and stomach to the urinary tract. It possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is also used for adrenal fatigue, immune deficiency, ulcers, allergies, liver disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, mononucleosis, chronic hepatitis and has been shown to have anti-tumor activity. Another amazing herb!

ORANGE PEEL, (Citrus aurantium) A wonderful flavor enhancer that has a high amount of vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Folic Acid, beta-carotene, over 60 flavonoids, numerous minerals, enzymes, pectin and other phyto-nutrients. It is a popular bitter, aiding digestion. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine since the 2nd century BC. It is an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial. Its d-limonene has been studied for its anti-carcinogenic activity. It is used to reduce phlegm in lungs and throat, gas in the stomach and intestines, and pressure resulting in cramping and high blood pressure.

CINNAMON, (Cassia bark) This delicious spice, so enhancing to the taste is also extremely rich in healing properties. Used world wide for thousands of years (in Traditional Chinese medicine since at least 2700 BC), it helps the body’s fire or energy, warming the body. Its aroma warms hearts and minds, making it one of the most popular spices in the world. It comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree, mostly found in China and Ceylon. Recent research has shown help in controlling type 2 diabetes, significantly reducing blood sugar levels. It also positively affects triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels, relieves hypertension and is a mild blood thinner allowing better circulation. It improves digestion, alleviates nasal congestion, relieves cramps, soothes stiff muscles and join pain, flatulence and nausea. It helps rid the body of parasites, fungus and bacteria (even destroying E.Coli)! It is also used for chronic diarrhea, colds, hypertension and even cancer. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

CLOVE, (Eugenia caryophyllus) this popular aromatic spice, native to Indonesia is the immature flower bud of the clove tree. It is used throughout the world and in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine it has been used for thousands of years. Helpful for a multitude of conditions, it treats indigestion, diarrhea, ringworm, athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. It is well known to relieve tooth aches, having powerful antiseptic and anesthetic actions. It has a positive effect on stomach ulcers, vomiting and flatulence and stimulates digestion. It is effective against strep, staph and pneumonia bacteria and against parasites. It is one of the many herbs with anti-cancer effects. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties as well and is said to be an aphrodisiac. So there we have it, all the herbs in the formula. Click here to order now >>












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